Happy Friday.
Just a quick reminder about Round 2 of the Queensland Government's $10,000 Small Business Adaption Grant Program.
This opens next Wednesday 1st July with expectations that it will sell out within days. If you're thinking about applying, now is the time to get your paperwork ready. It's critical you have specific details including a detailed quote ready to go.
***Note*** If you submitted an application for round 1 but haven't heard back, you are still eligible to apply for round 2.
If you're interested in taking a look at our resources including example client statements, application process and example quotes please reply to this email ASAP.
Most of the services we provide are eligible and we'd love to be part of your project to support your business.
More info below.

This is a fantastic program to help COVID-19 affected businesses get back on their feet through a range of activities which are eligible for funding. These include:
Marketing and communication activities such as videos and photography
Digital strategy development
Capital costs associated with meeting COVID-19 requirements
Financial, Legal and Professional advice
To be eligible, businesses must meet a range of criteria including:
Demonstrating you have experienced a minimum 30% decline since 23 March 2020, over a minimum 1-month period due to the onset and management of COVID-19
Employ staff and have fewer than 20 employees
Have an annual turnover over $75,000 for the 2018–19 or 2019–20 financial year
The full range of eligibility criteria and activities can be found at - https://www.business.qld.gov.au/starting-business/advice-support/grants/adaption